Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Braunschweig verwirrung, teil zwei

Had a few suggestions on my previous 'Brunswick bewilderment' post ranging from Hinchcliffe to Scruby so I thought I'd add a comparison pic.

I'm fairly sure the guys on the left are original HH (except the one with the missing bayonet, which is quite small and might be a homecast copy?), on the right are some Scruby's. So the mystery figures in the middle are a little bigger than HH and quite a bit bigger than Scruby.I'm leaning towards original Hinchcliffe before Peter Gilder started producing his big, chunky 25mm range.


  1. I'm wondering whether they are Minfigs/Alberkens (the range immediately preceeding the S-Range)? They have the slightly ungainly look of Alberkens, and those ginormous bayonets are very minifiggy. Alberkeks also featured quite large, flat, rectangular bases.

  2. I dont think Alberken/Minifig did Brunswick figures. The bases also dont look right. They have the look of the few early hincliffe figures I have.

  3. Those Scrubys look rather nice. Never seen any fully dressed ones and they do seem to 'scrub up' well!

    Tony S

    1. Yes Tony, they are nice little figures, emphasis on little, think they are Scruby's original 'true 20mm'.
