Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Trying not to let things drag on

 Here's my latest unit, the 1st (Royal) Dragoons.

A mix of BN204 and BN40 with a couple of non-HH horses.

*edit* Here's me pretending to be a dragoon


  1. If the majority horse casting is HH - I have to say I've never seen them before and they're really nice. I shall have to keep my eyes open for some.

    1. Rob, Half of these are "Horse Attached" so definitely HH, the others are supposed to be BNH3 according to the catalogue. The ones I suspect to not be HH haver longer bases, but the pose is identical. You are correct, the horses are very nice sculpts. I wish I could get my horse to work in "head-down, back-end engaged" mode like these when I'm schooling her! I've added an image to the original post showing her in action with her head well up.

    2. Nice one - you look really old-school smart on your mount - I would just look like a sack of petrified potatoes.

    3. Sorry about that last being anonymous - having issues wih my Google account.

  2. Whatever they are they look splendid!
