Sunday, 4 September 2022

Quick wins

Another British Light Dragoon unit, this time the 12th.

These are 12 x BN50, a recent ebay purchase, already painted very close to my own style, just needed some touching up and black lining, then re-basing. The horses needed a little attention, they were all a uniform chocolate brown.

A certain Arthur Wellesley joined the 12th as a subaltern  in 1789, I wonder what happened to him?



  1. These are lovely. The British LD uniform is smart and elegant. You're lucky to have a full regiment I've just got a half regiment who I combine with a half regiment of Brunswick hussars at if you want a look. Strictly speaking this is all I need for my E Spain forces but I do want to complete the LDs at some point.

  2. Lovely toys…
    It’s nice when you can pick up some new miniatures and someone else has done most of the work for you.

    All the best. Aly
