Tuesday 28 May 2024

A game in progress

Haven't posted in a while, sorry! Here's a picture of a solo game in progress. The French have established a strong point in the village, the British are outnumbered and outgunned, so will have a hard time securing a crossing. There may be reinforcements in a couple of moves, but in the meantime the main British infantry force is diverting to attack the French right and avoid a head-on assault on the enemy artillery. And there is a major cavalry battle going on in the centre, heavies vs lights, lancers vs dragoons, who will prevail? And the poor 45th foot have failed to complete their square before the Cuirassiers charged in.  That could be a disaster! In the meantime the British artillery have finally unlimbered on the top of the hill. Will their firepower be decisive?

Wednesday 5 July 2023

On the scrounge!

 Hi all,

I'm looking to complete my British artillery teams and I'm short of 4 x H1and 4 x H2 gun horses, plus 3 x BN28 drivers. If anybody out there has any of these spare I'd be happy to trade and / or purchase. They don't seem to come up on Ebay very often, if ever. Alternatively, if anyone can suggest compatible figures from other ranges that would be awesome!



Wednesday 21 June 2023

Middle fer Diddle

Back in the good old days when I used to play darts in my local pub, we used to say "Middle fer Diddle", which meant each player throws one dart, the nearest to the bullseye would throw first in the actual game.

Here is my attempt at Middle Guard Fusilier-Grenadiers, reference material (as usual) Funcken.

Mostly not HH, except for the officer in bicorne, which I think might be a BN 120 and the eagle bearer who is a converted HH officer. The drummer is a Newline casting. I'm not sure who the rank and file are, but I think they might be Lammings, which would be interesting, because Bill Lamming produced his figures from his home in Hull, a couple of miles from where I currently live. It would be nice to think they've come full circle after so many years.

*EDIT*  Just reviewed this post and realised I didn't finish painting the national cockades on the shakos, DOH!  My excuse is that I was rushing to get them finished  before a 2am drive to Manchester airport en route to Naples for a week on the Amalfi coast.

Tuesday 30 May 2023

Wednesday 10 May 2023

Witty post title not yet decided,

 Here's some French artillery.

First the Line:-

Then the Guard:-


*EDIT* Here's the kit the guys above will be towing:-

Saturday 29 April 2023

The cheesemongers

 Here are my British Life Guards, aka "The Cheesemongers".

Apparently they were referred to as "The Cheesemongers" because they were originally formed from Charles II's independently wealthy "gentleman" supporters during his exile, therefore constituting  the most senior regiment of the British army, but in the 1750's they started recruiting from men "in trade", hence the disparaging nickname.

These are BN200, mainly on BNH2 horses, apart from 3 converted from BNH4.

Monday 10 April 2023


 Here are some just completed British Artillery teams. HH original figures, but Hinchcliffe limbers.

In the background, under prep, are the Inniskilling dragoons and the Life Guards.